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5e56f2da10 | 4 years ago |
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image: python:3.8-buster
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# CuNi Bicrystal Interface
This example builds a bicrystal of CuNi with a semi-coherent interface. The interface region is rendered at full atomistic resolution and the bulk of the layers are coarse-grained.
#Build Copper CG region and atom pad
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 25 orient [-21-1] [011] [11-1] duplicate 7.44 6 4 Cu_cg.mb -ow
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 2 orient [-21-1] [011] [11-1] duplicate 93 75 3 Cu_atom.mb -ow
#Build Nickel CG region and atom pad
cacmb --create Ni fcc 3.52 25 orient [-21-1] [011] [11-1] duplicate 7.6409 6.16 4 Ni_cg.mb -ow
cacmb --create Ni fcc 3.52 2 orient [-21-1] [011] [11-1] duplicate 95.511 77 3 Ni_atom.mb -ow
#Merge all into one block keeping full atomistic resolution at the interface
cacmb --merge z 4 Ni_cg.mb Ni_atom.mb Cu_atom.mb Cu_cg.mb -boundary pps cac_in.restart -ow
#Delete leftover files
rm Ni_cg.mb Ni_atom.mb Cu_atom.mb Cu_cg.mb
Below are the .xyz file render which shows the atomistic and coarse-grained regions and the common neighbor analysi of the interface.
![xyz bicrystal render](../img/CuNi_xyz.png)
![interface structure for bicrystal model](../img/CuNi_int.png)
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# Getting Started
The CACmb tool separates commands into two general groups, modes and options.
Modes are the main commands which conduct primary operations, these are listed below:
* [Mode Convert](Modes/
* [Mode Create](Modes/
* [Mode Merge](Modes/
To start a cacmb run, it is required to run one of the available modes and only one mode can be run at a time.
Additionally one can use options in order to adjust the model during any of the mode runs and unlimited number of options may be used.
While single line commands may be used satisfactorily to build a model, in order to build more complex models it is required to run multiple commands.
Currently CACmb only supports rhombehedral FCC finite elements with faces aligned to {111} slip planes.
This finite element is the primitive unit cell for the FCC crystal and is shown below:
![Rhombohedral Element](img/rhomb.png)
## Simple Example 1
For example, to build a model with an atomistic region bound by a coarse-grained region the following commands should be run:
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 15 duplicate 4 2 1 orient [112] [1-10] [11-1] Cu_cg.mb -ow
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 2 duplicate 30 15 2 orient [112] [1-10] [11-1] Cu_at.mb -ow
cacmb --merge z 3 Cu_cg.mb Cu_at.mb Cu_cg.mb -ow
When visualizing the file using ovito we see our desired model (where the red atoms represent the element nodes and blue atoms are atomistic regions):
![Simple example 1 render](img/simple_example_1.png)
**Important Note: In order to fully utilize the cacmb capabilites use the .mb format when running multiple model build steps**
A description of each build step is below:
1. Build a coarse grained model with elements that have 15 atoms per edge. Orientation is set to `[112] [1-10] [11-1]`. We save it to `Cu_cg.mb` and pass `-ow` which is the flag to overwrite existing files with that name.
2. Build an atomistic model with the same dimensionsin the x and y directions as the coarse grained model. *A general way to match dimensions is by setting the duplicate value of the atoms to `esize*duplicate/2`. So for the x dimension we do `15*4/2` which is 30 and for the y dimension `15*2/2` which is 15.
3. Merge the models by stacking the coarse-grained and atomistic models. We start the stacking sequence from the bottom so the first region is the `Cu_cg.mb`, followed by the `Cu_at.mb` model in the middle, followed by another `Cu_cg.mb` region. We output it to which renders the atoms and nodes of the model for visualization.
This whole process can be easily run as a shell script as long as cacmb is on your path.
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 15 duplicate 4 2 1 orient [112] [1-10] [11-1] Cu_cg.mb -ow
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 2 duplicate 30 15 2 orient [112] [1-10] [11-1] Cu_at.mb -ow
cacmb --merge z 3 Cu_cg.mb Cu_at.mb Cu_cg.mb -ow
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cacmb --convert infile outfile(s)
This mode converts a file `infile` to different files `outfile(s)`.
The extensions on both files determine which read and write subroutines are called.
This mode can also be used to apply options to a file by setting `infile` and `outfile` to the same value such as:
cacmb --convert cac.mb cac.mb {-options}
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# Create
cacmb --create name element_type lattice_parameter esize
Mode create has the following parameters:
`name` - User defined name that either defines the atom type or the lattice type if using the basis option. If the basis command is not called then name must be an element.
`element_type` - Specifies which element type to use, this dictates the crystal being build. Current acceptable options for element_type are:
* FCC - Uses the Rhombohedral primitive fcc unit cell as the finite element.
`lattice_parameter` - The lattice parameter for the crystal structure.
`esize` - Number of atoms per edge of the finite element. A value of 2 signifies full atomistic resolution and is the lowest number acceptable.
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 11
Creates a copper fcc element with a lattice parameter of 3.615 with 11 atoms per side
## Optional keywords
Below are optional keywords that must directly follow after the esize command and before any options or filenames are passed
### Orient
orient [hkl] [hkl] [hkl]
The default orientation that is built is `[100] [010] [001]`.
If this keyword is present then the user must provide the orientation matrix in form `[hkl] [hkl] [hkl]` without spaces.
Currently only accepts whole number values for `[hkl]`.
*Example:* `orient [-112] [110] [-11-1]`
### Duplicate
duplicate numx numy numz
The default duplicate is `1 1 1`.
This is used to replicate elements along each dimension.
The unit of duplication is the lattice periodicity length times the size of elements being duplicated.
`numx numy numz` dicate the number of duplications units in the x,y, and z dimensions.
This keyword **cannot** be used with the `dim` command.
*Example:* `duplicate 10 10 10`
### Dim
dim dimx dimy dimz
There is no default `dim` as `duplicate` is the default option.
This command assigns a box with user-assigned dimensions and fills it with the desired element size.
**Note:** using dim may not result in periodic cells unless the origin of the cell is shifted from 0,0,0.
*Example:* `dimensions 100 100 100`
### Origin
origin x y z
This keyword is used to set the origin of the simulation cell.
When using the `duplicate` command, the origin is set to the minimum position of the rotated element.
When using the `dim` command the default origin is `(0,0,0)`.
When using the `dim` command for building it may become necessary to shift the origin of the simulation cell in order to produce a periodic simulation.
This origin can be retrieved by first running `--create` with `duplicate 1 1 1`.
*Example:* `origin 10 0 1`
### Basis
basis basisnum bname bx by bz
This function allows you to define a custom basis to be used at every lattice point.
The parameters for this keyword are:
- `basisnum` - The number of atoms in the basis
- `bname` - The type of the basis atom (e.g. Cu or Si)
- `bx by bz` - The position of the basis atom.
`bname bx by bz` must be repeated `basisnum` times for this command.
`basis 2 Si 0 0 0 Si 1.35775 1.35775 1.35775` when used with the `fcc` element produces a diamond structure with Si.
### efill
This command attempts to maximize the degree of coarse-graining by iterating through esizes smaller than the user specified when filling in the jagged boundaries to create a periodic block.
This command will iterate through element sizes from the user specified `esize-2` to a minimum esize of 11.
Below is an example of a model without efill and a model with efill.
*Model without efill*
![Model without efill command](../img/not_efilled_vtk.png)
*Model with efill*
![Model with efill command](../img/efilled_vtk.png)
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# Merge
cacmb --merge dim N infiles
This mode merges multiple data files and creates one big simulation cell. The parameters are:
`dim` - the dimension they are to be stacked along, can be either `x`, `y`, or `z`. If the argument `none` is passed then the cells are just overlaid.
`N` - The number of files which are being read
`infiles` - The input files which are to be merged. There must be `N` of them.
## Additional options:
### Shift
shift x y z
If the shift command is passed to mode merge then each file after the first file in the merge command is displaced by the vector `[x, y, z]`. This is additive so if you are merging three files and this command is passed then the second file is shifted by `[x,y,z]` and the third file is shifted by `2*[x,y,z]`.
Example: `cacmb --merge z 2 Cu.mb Cu2.mb Cu3.mb Cumerged.mb shift 2 0 0` will shift the atomic and element positions in the `Cu2.mb` file by `[2,0,0]` and the positions in `Cu3.mb` by `[4,0,0]`.
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# Boundary
-boundary box_bc
This allows the user to specify the boundary conditions for the model being outputted. The format is a 3 character string with `p` indicating periodic and `s` indicating shrink-wrapped.
**Example** `ppp` - is a fully periodic model, `pss` is periodic in the x dimension and shrink wrapped in y and z.
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# Deform
-deform dim dl
This command is used to apply a uniaxial strain unto a simulation cell.
The argument `dim` takes the values of `x, y, or z` and the argument `dl` is the change in length to be applied (in Angstroms.
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# Delete Overlap
-delete overlap rc_off
This delete option removes overlapping atoms.
For every neighboring pair of atoms, the distance between them is checked.
If the distance is less than `rc_off` then the atom with the higher index in the data arrays is deleted.
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# Dislocation
There are various options for creating dislocations.
These are listed below.
## dislgen
-dislgen [ijk] [hkl] x y z burgers char_angle poisson
This options adds an arbitrarily oriented dislocation into your model based on user inputs using the volterra displacement fields. The options are below
`[ijk]` - The vector for the line direction
`[hkl]` - The vector for the slip plane
`burgers` - The magnitude of the burgers vector for the dislocation to be inserted
`x y z` - The position of the dislocation centroid
`char_angle` - Character angle of the dislocation (0 is screw and 90 is edge)
`poisson` - Poisson's ratio used for the displacement field.
## disloop
-disloop loop_normal radius x y z bx by bz poisson
This option imposes the displacement field for a dislocation in order to create a loop. This loop is unstable and will close if stress isn't applied.
`loop_normal` - The box dimension which defines the normal to the loop plane. As of now this dimension must be a close packed direction, meaning that for fcc a box dimension has to be of the (111) family of planes. Either `x`, `y`, or `z`.
`radius` - The radius of the loop in Angstroms.
`x y z` - The centroid of the loop.
`bx by bz` - The burgers vector for the dislocation
`poisson` - Poisson ratio for continuum solution
## vacancy disloop
-vacancydisloop loop_normal radius x y z
This option creates a circular planar vacancy cluster of radius `radius` normal to the `loop_normal` centered on position `x y z`. Upon relaxing or energy minimization this cluster should become a prismatic dislocation loop.
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# Group
-group select_type group_shape shape_arguments
This option selects a group of either elements or atoms and applies some transformation to them.
`select_type` - Either `atoms`, `elements`, or 'both'. `elements` selects elements based on whether the element center is within the group. `both` selects elements based on the element center and atoms based on their position.
`group_shape` - Specifies what shape the group takes and dictates which options must be passed. Each shape requires different arguments and these arguments are represented by the placeholder `shape_arguments`. The accepted group shapes and arguments are below:
## Group Shapes
These are the allowed group shapes
### Block
-group atoms block xlo xhi ylo yhi zlo zhi
This selects a group residing in a block with edges perpendicular to the simulation cell. The block boundaries are given by `xlo xhi ylo yhi zlo zhi`.
`additional keywords`- Represents the various transformations which can be performed on a group. These additional keywords are given below.
### Wedge
-group atoms wedge dim1 dim2 bx by bz bw
This selects a group which are within a wedge shape. The options are given as follows:
`dim1` - The dimension containing the plane normal of the wedge base.
`dim2` - The thickness dimension. Wedge groups are currently required to span the entire cell thickness in one dimensions which is normal to the triangular face. This through thickness dimension is dim2.
`bx by bz` - Centroid of the center of the base
`bw` - Base width
### Notch
-group atoms notch dim1 dim2 bx by bz bw tr
This shape is similar to a wedge shape except instead of becoming atomically sharp, it finishes in a rounded tip with tip radius `tr`. Options are as follows.
`dim1` - The dimension containing the plane normal of the wedge base.
`dim2` - The thickness dimension. Wedge groups are currently required to span the entire cell thickness in one dimensions which is normal to the triangular face. This through thickness dimension is dim2.
`bx by bz` - Centroid of the center of the base
`bw` - Base width
`tr` - Tip radius
### Sphere
-group atoms sphere x y z r
This shape selects all atoms within a sphere centered at `(x,y,z)` with radius `r`.
## Group selection operators
The following are a list of group operations which alter how the atoms/elements in the group are selected.
### Random
random n
This command selects `n` random atoms and `n` random elements within your group bounds.
If using group type `atoms` or `elements` then only `n` random atoms or elements are selected.
These random atoms/elements then form the new group.
group atoms block -inf inf -inf inf inf*0.5 inf random 10
The above example selects 10 random atoms from the specified group.
These atoms will all have z values which place them in the top half of the cell.
### Node
This keyword changes the selection criteria when using `elements` or `both` to element nodes instead of element centroids.
### Flip
This keyword changes the group selection criteria from the atoms/elements inside a region to the atoms/elements outside the group.
### Notsize
notsize esize
Notsize filters out elements of size `esize` when determining the group. For example, if the user runs `notsize 25` and the group bounds contain elements with esizes of 13, 15, 25 (from the efill command for example) then only the elements with esize 13 and 15 are selected as part of the group.
## Group modification operators
These modifiers operate on selected atoms and elements to adjust their properties.
### Displace
displace x y z
This operation shifts all grouped atoms/nodes by a vector `(x,y,z)`.
### Delete
This command deletes all selected atoms and elements within the group.
### Type
type atom_type
This command changes all atoms and basis atoms at element nodes for the group elements and atoms to type `atom_type`.
`atom-type` should be two characters which describe the atomic element (such as `Cu` or `Ni`)
### Refine
This command refines all elements within the group to full atomistic resolution.
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# Orient
-orient [hkl] [hkl] [hkl]
This command transforms the simulation cell into the specified orientation.
This can be useful when attempting to view the model along different slip planes.
In general the dimensions will not be periodic as the box will not have flat surfaces along the x, y, and z dimensions.
*Example:* `-orient [-112] [110] [-11-1]`
This command also comes with a sub command `unorient`.
## Unorient
This removes the orientation applied by an orient command during the current cacmb run.
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# Overwrite
If this option is passed then all files are automatically overwritten without asking the user.
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# Redefine Box Boundaries
-redef_box redef_dim {xlo xhi} {ylo yhi} {zlo zhi}
This option allows for the user to redefine box boundaries deleting atoms/elements outside of the new box boundaries. Elements are refined to atmoistics if they intersect the newly defined box boundaries.
The arguments are described below:
`redef_dim` - The dimensions to be redefined. Can be any permutation of `x`, `y`, `z`, `xy`, `yz`, `xz`, `xyz`. The order of the dimensions dictates the order that the new dimensions must be defined
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# Define Orientation
-sbox_ori sbox [hkl] [hkl] [hkl]
This option is primarily used when reading data from non .mb formats.
This code sets the orientation of the elements and atoms that are part of the sub_box `sbox` to the user provided orientation.
This doesn't change anything about the model, but is required in order to accurately use the `dislgen` or `orient` options when operating on non .mb files.
cacmb --create Cu fcc 3.615 2 orient [112] [1-10] [11-1] duplicate 10 10 10 cac.lmp
cacmb --convert cac.lmp cac_out.lmp -sbox_ori 1 [112] [1-10] [11-1] -dislgen [112] [11-1] inf*0.5 inf*0.5 inf*0.5 2.556 90 0.3
The above command attempts to insert a dislocation using the `dislgen` option.
In order to do the coordinate transformation, the code needs to know what the orientation of the model originally and so the sbox_ori command sets the sbox information.
To better understand how the sub_boxes work, please view sub_box in the Getting Started guide.
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# Slip Plane
-slip_plane dim pos
This command forces a slip plane at position `pos` along dimension `dim` by finding which elements that plane intersects and refining them to full atomistics.
## Optional Arguments
### efill
-slip_plane dim pos efill
The efill option attempts to remesh the elements that are refined while ensuring an element discontinuity on the prescribed slip plane
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# Wrap
This will wrap atomic positions back inside the box.
Effectively as if periodic boundary conditions are applied so that atoms which exit from one side of the simulation cell enter back in through the other.
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# CACmb: The Concurent Atomistic-Continuum Model Builder
CACmb is a tool used to build coarse-grained atomistic models for use with the PyCAC and LammpsCAC toolkits.
This tool also allows for the creation of equivalent atomistic models to be used in lammps throught the .lmp data format.
![cacmb image](img/demo.gif)
## Requirements
CACmb requires only a fortran compiler and does not need any external libraries.
This code has been tested using both gfortran and ifort fortran compilers solely on linux.
## Build instructions
CACmb can be built by the following commands:
git clone
cd cacmb/src
You can also install cacmb to /usr/local/bin by running:
sudo make install
Otherwise make sure your cacmb executable is available on your system path.
Please view the [Getting Started]( guide for an introduction and basic usage instructions.
## License
This tool is available under the MIT license which is printed below, a full copy of which is available at the cacmb [Gitlab repository.](
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site_name: "CACmb: The Concurrent Atomistic Continuum Model Builder"
site_dir: public
theme: readthedocs
use_directory_urls: false
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# Documentation static site generator & deployment tool
# Add your custom theme if not inside a theme_dir
# (
# mkdocs-material>=5.4.0
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module mode_da
!This mode is used to calculate the dislocation analysis algorithm for both CG and atomistic regions
use parameters
use io
use elements
use neighbors
implicit none
integer :: num_d_points
integer, allocatable :: is_slipped(:,:,:)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: disl_line(:,:), disl_data(:)
private :: write_xyz
subroutine da(arg_pos)
!This is the main calling subroutine for the dislocation analysis code
integer, intent(out) :: arg_pos
real(kind=dp), dimension(6) :: temp_box_bd
integer :: ppos
character(len=100) :: outfile
!Now call the dislocation analysis code for the coarse-grained elements
call parse_command(arg_pos)
call read_in(1, (/0.0_dp,0.0_dp,0.0_dp/), temp_box_bd)
!Now allocate the necessary variables
if(allocated(is_slipped)) deallocate(is_slipped)
allocate(is_slipped(max_basisnum, max_ng_node, ele_num))
if(allocated(disl_line)) deallocate(disl_line)
call cga_da
!Now create the output file num and write out to xyz format
ppos = scan(trim(infiles(1)),".", BACK= .true.)
if ( ppos > 0 ) then
outfile = 'da_'//infiles(1)(1:ppos)//'vtk'
outfile = 'da_'//infiles(1)//'.vtk'
end if
call write_da_vtk(outfile)
ppos = scan(trim(infiles(1)),".", BACK= .true.)
if ( ppos > 0 ) then
outfile = 'da_'//infiles(1)(1:ppos)//'xyz'
outfile = 'da_'//infiles(1)//'.xyz'
end if
call write_da_xyz(outfile)
end subroutine da
subroutine parse_command(arg_pos)
!This subroutine parses the arguments for mode command
integer, intent(out) :: arg_pos
integer :: i, arglen
character(len = 100) :: textholder
logical :: file_exists
!Read the input file
call get_command_argument(2,textholder, arglen)
if (arglen == 0) stop "Missing file for dislocation analysis"
call get_in_file(textholder)
arg_pos = 3
end subroutine parse_command
subroutine cga_da
integer :: i, j, k, l, ibasis, nei, close_neighbors(2,4,6), far_neighbor(4,6), minindex, minindices(2), linevec(3)
integer :: face_types(ele_num*6), face_ele(6*ele_num), diff_pair(2,6)
real(kind = dp) :: face_centroids(3, ele_num*6), r(3), rc, vnode(3, max_basisnum, 4), vnorm, &
max_node_dist, ndiff, rmax(3), rmin(3), rnorm, v1(3), v2(3), v1norm, v2norm, theta1, theta2, &
diff_mag(6), diffvec(3)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: disl_line_temp(:,:), disl_data_temp(:)
logical :: is_edge
!Initialize variables
l = 0
max_node_dist = 0
!Now save the close and far neighbors of the nodes. This is done to attempt to figure out the character of the dislocation
!by comparing how the burgers vector is distributed over the face.
do j = 1, 6
close_neighbors(1, 1, j) = cubic_faces(4, j)
close_neighbors(2, 1, j) = cubic_faces(2, j)
far_neighbor(1,j) = cubic_faces(3,j)
close_neighbors(1, 2, j) = cubic_faces(1, j)
close_neighbors(2, 2, j) = cubic_faces(3, j)
far_neighbor(2,j) = cubic_faces(4,j)
close_neighbors(1, 3, j) = cubic_faces(2, j)
close_neighbors(2, 3, j) = cubic_faces(4, j)
far_neighbor(3,j) = cubic_faces(1,j)
close_neighbors(1, 4, j) = cubic_faces(3, j)
close_neighbors(2, 4, j) = cubic_faces(1, j)
far_neighbor(4,j) = cubic_faces(2,j)
end do
!First calculate all of the face centroids
do i = 1, ele_num
do j = 1, 6
r(:) = 0.0_dp
rmax= -Huge(1.0)
rmin= Huge(1.0)
do k = 1, 4
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
r = r + r_node(:, ibasis, cubic_faces(k,j), i)
rmax= max(rmax, r_node(:, ibasis, cubic_faces(k,j), i))
rmin= min(rmin, r_node(:, ibasis, cubic_faces(k,j), i))
end do
end do
max_node_dist = max(max_node_dist, rnorm)
r = r/(basisnum(lat_ele(i))*4)
!add the face centroids, the type, and map the elements faces to the face arrays
l = l + 1
face_centroids(:, l) = r
face_types(l) = j
face_ele(l) = i
end do
end do
!Now set the cut off distance as half the distance from opposite nodes in the largest element
rc = 0.5*max_node_dist
call calc_NN(l, face_centroids(:,1:l), rc)
!Now loop overall the faces and make sure the nearest neighbor is the opposite type. If it isn't than we dscard it
is_slipped = 0
do i = 1, l
nei = nn(i)
!Skip if it's 0 or the closest face belongs to the same element
if ((nei == 0).or.(face_ele(i) == face_ele(nei))) cycle
!Check the face types, the way that the faces are laid out in the cubic_faces array face 1's opposite is 6 and
! face 2's opposite is 5 and etc
vnode = 0
if(face_types(i) == (7-face_types(nei))) then
vnorm = 0
do j = 1, 4
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(face_ele(i)))
!Compute the vectors between all nodes at the face.
vnode(:,ibasis,j) = r_node(:,ibasis, cubic_faces(j,face_types(i)), face_ele(i)) - &
r_node(:,ibasis, cubic_faces(j,face_types(nei)), face_ele(nei))
end do
end do
!Now calculate the maximum difference between nodes
vnorm = 0
do j = 1, 4
do k=j,4
v1=vnode(:,1,j) - vnode(:,1,k)
if (vnorm < v1norm) then
vnorm = v1norm
diffvec= v1
end if
end do
end do
!Now calculate the difference between the largest norm and the smallest norm, if it's larger than 0.5 then mark it
!as slipped. This value probably can be converted to a variable value that depends on the current lattice parameter
!I think 0.5 works ok though.
if (vnorm>0.5_dp) then
print *, "Element number ", face_ele(i), " is dislocated along face ", face_types(i), &
" with neighbor ", face_ele(nei), " with max displacement of ", vnorm
do j = 1, 4
is_slipped(:, cubic_faces(j,face_types(i)), face_ele(i)) = 1
!This portion of the code is used to determine what the character of the dislocation most likely is
!effectively how this works is we look for the two nodes with the most similar burgers vector.
!The vector between these two nodes is close to the line direction and as a result we can probably estimate
!if it's close to edge, screw, or if it's pretty fairly mixed.
do k = j+1, 4
diff_mag(l) = norm2(vnode(:, 1, j)-vnode(:,1,k))
diff_pair(1,l)=cubic_faces(j, face_types(i))
diff_pair(2,l)=cubic_faces(k, face_types(i))
end do
end do
minindex = minloc(diff_mag,1)
!Now figure out if the min difference between nodes is associated with a 112 direction
is_edge = .false.
do j = 1,6
if((diff_pair(1,minindex) == oneonetwopairs(1,j)).and.(diff_pair(2,minindex)==oneonetwopairs(2,j))) then
else if((diff_pair(2,minindex)==oneonetwopairs(1,j)).and.(diff_pair(1,minindex)==oneonetwopairs(2,j)))then
end if
end do
if(is_edge) then
print *, 'Dislocation has primarily edge character'
print *, 'Dislocation has primarily screw character'
end if
if( i < nei) then
if(num_d_points > size(disl_line,2)) then
disl_line_temp(:, 1:size(disl_line,2))=disl_line
call move_alloc(disl_line_temp, disl_line)
end if
if(num_d_points/2 > size(disl_data)) then
disl_data_temp(1:size(disl_data)) = disl_data
call move_alloc(disl_data_temp, disl_data)
end if
print *, num_d_points/2, vnorm
disl_line(:,num_d_points-1) =r_node(:, 1, diff_pair(1,minindex), face_ele(i))
disl_line(:,num_d_points) =r_node(:, 1, diff_pair(2,minindex), face_ele(i))
end if
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine cga_da
subroutine write_da_vtk(outfile)
character (len=*), intent(in) :: outfile
integer :: i
open(unit=11, file=outfile, action='write', status='replace', position='rewind')
write(11, '(a)') '# vtk DataFile Version 4.0.1'
write(11, '(a)') 'Dislocation line analyzed via cacmb dislocation analysis'
write(11, '(a)') 'ASCII'
write(11, *) 'POINTS', num_d_points, 'float'
!Write the points to the file
do i = 1, num_d_points
write(11, '(3f23.15)') disl_line(:, i)
end do
write(11,*) 'CELLS', num_d_points/2, num_d_points/2*3
do i=1, num_d_points, 2
write(11,'(3i16)') 2, i-1, i
end do
write(11,*) 'CELL_TYPES', num_d_points/2
do i=1, num_d_points, 2
write(11,'(i16)') 3
end do
write(11,*) 'CELL_DATA', num_d_points/2
write(11, '(a)') 'SCALARS burgers_vec, float'
write(11, '(a)') 'LOOKUP_TABLE default'
do i=1, num_d_points, 2
write(11, '(f23.15)') disl_data((i+1)/2)
end do
end subroutine write_da_vtk
subroutine write_da_xyz(outfile)
!This subroutine write the element positions to a .xyz file and marks whether they are slipped or not
character(len=*), intent(in) :: outfile
integer :: i, ibasis, inod, outn
open(unit=11, file=outfile, action='write', status='replace', position='rewind')
!Write number of node_atoms
write(11, '(i16)') node_atoms
!Write comment
write(11, '(a)') "is_slipped x y z"
!Write nodal positions
outn = 0
do i = 1, ele_num
do inod = 1, ng_node(lat_ele(i))
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
write(11, '(1i16, 3f23.15)') is_slipped(ibasis,inod,i), r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i)
outn = outn + 1
end do
end do
end do
if(outn /= node_atoms) then
print *, "outn", outn, " doesn't equal node_atoms ", node_atoms
end if
end subroutine write_da_xyz
end module mode_da
@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
module opt_bubble
!This module contains the bubble option which can be used to create voids with specific pressures of certain atoms
use atoms
use parameters
use elements
use box
use opt_group
implicit none
real(kind=dp), private :: br, brat, c(3)
character(len=2), private :: species
subroutine bubble(arg_pos)
integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos
integer :: new_type, n, j, i, atom_num_pre
real(kind = dp) :: p(3), rand, factor, per, vol, mass
print *, '------------------------------------------------------------'
print *, 'Option Bubble'
print *, '------------------------------------------------------------'
!First we parse the bubble command
call parse_bubble(arg_pos)
!Now we use the existing group code to delete a sphere which represents the bubble
radius = br
group_nodes = .true.
call get_group
call refine_group
call get_group
atom_num_pre= atom_num
call delete_group
!Now we create a new atom type with the desired species
call atommass(species, mass)
call add_atom_type(mass, new_type)
!Now we calculate the number of atoms we need to add for the desired pressure
!print *, "Creating a bubble with pressure", bp, " at temperature ", bt, " with radius ", br
!factor = 1.0e24/6.02214e23
!if (bp <= 10.0) then
! per=factor*(3.29674113+4.51777872*bp**(-0.80473167))
!else if (bp .le. 20.0) then
! per=factor*(4.73419689-0.072919483*bp)
! per=factor*(4.73419689-0.072919483*bp)
! print *, 'warning: pressure is too high'
! print *, 'equation of state is only valid for < 20 GPa'
!vol = 4.0*pi/3.0*br**3.0
n = brat*(atom_num_pre-atom_num)
print *, "Adding ", n, " atoms of species ", species
!Now add n atoms randomly within the sphere
do i = 1, n
do while(.true.)
do j = 1, 3
call random_number(rand)
p(j) = rand*(2*br) + c(j)-br
end do
if (norm2(p-c) < br) exit
end do
call add_atom(0, new_type, p)
end do
end subroutine bubble
subroutine parse_bubble(arg_pos)
integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos
integer :: i, arglen
real(kind=dp) :: mass
character(len=100) :: tmptxt
!First read in the bubble centroid
do i = 1, 3
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, tmptxt, arglen)
print *, trim(adjustl(tmptxt))
call parse_pos(i, tmptxt, c(i))
end do
!Now the bubble radius
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, tmptxt, arglen)
print *, trim(adjustl(tmptxt))
if(arglen == 0) stop "Missing bubble radius"
read(tmptxt, *) br
!Now bubble ratio
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, tmptxt, arglen)
print *, trim(adjustl(tmptxt))
if(arglen == 0) stop "Missing bubble ratio"
read(tmptxt, *) brat
!Now the bubble species
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, species, arglen)
print *, species
if(arglen == 0) stop "Missing bubble species"
!OPtional arguments
do while(.true.)
if(arg_pos > command_argument_count()) exit
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, tmptxt)
select case(trim(tmptxt))
arg_pos=arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, tmptxt, arglen)
if(arglen==0) stop "Missing number of atoms to exclude"
read(tmptxt, *) exclude_num
do i=1,exclude_num
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, tmptxt, arglen)
if(arglen==0) stop "Missing exclude atom types"
call atommass(tmptxt, mass)
call add_atom_type(mass, exclude_types(i))
end do
case default
end select
end do
end subroutine parse_bubble
end module opt_bubble