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152 lines
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1 year ago
This type stub file was generated by pyright.
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, Generic, Literal, SupportsIndex, TypeVar, overload
from numpy import bool_, bytes_, complex_, dtype, float_, int_, matrix as _Matrix, ndarray, str_
from numpy._typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike, NDArray, _FiniteNestedSequence, _NestedSequence, _SupportsDType
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_DType = TypeVar("_DType", bound=dtype[Any])
_BoolType = TypeVar("_BoolType", Literal[True], Literal[False])
_TupType = TypeVar("_TupType", bound=tuple[Any, ...])
_ArrayType = TypeVar("_ArrayType", bound=ndarray[Any, Any])
__all__: list[str]
def ix_(*args: _FiniteNestedSequence[_SupportsDType[_DType]]) -> tuple[ndarray[Any, _DType], ...]:
def ix_(*args: str | _NestedSequence[str]) -> tuple[NDArray[str_], ...]:
def ix_(*args: bytes | _NestedSequence[bytes]) -> tuple[NDArray[bytes_], ...]:
def ix_(*args: bool | _NestedSequence[bool]) -> tuple[NDArray[bool_], ...]:
def ix_(*args: int | _NestedSequence[int]) -> tuple[NDArray[int_], ...]:
def ix_(*args: float | _NestedSequence[float]) -> tuple[NDArray[float_], ...]:
def ix_(*args: complex | _NestedSequence[complex]) -> tuple[NDArray[complex_], ...]:
class nd_grid(Generic[_BoolType]):
sparse: _BoolType
def __init__(self, sparse: _BoolType = ...) -> None:
def __getitem__(self: nd_grid[Literal[False]], key: slice | Sequence[slice]) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __getitem__(self: nd_grid[Literal[True]], key: slice | Sequence[slice]) -> list[NDArray[Any]]:
class MGridClass(nd_grid[Literal[False]]):
def __init__(self) -> None:
mgrid: MGridClass
class OGridClass(nd_grid[Literal[True]]):
def __init__(self) -> None:
ogrid: OGridClass
class AxisConcatenator:
axis: int
matrix: bool
ndmin: int
trans1d: int
def __init__(self, axis: int = ..., matrix: bool = ..., ndmin: int = ..., trans1d: int = ...) -> None:
def concatenate(*a: ArrayLike, axis: SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ...) -> NDArray[Any]:
def concatenate(*a: ArrayLike, axis: SupportsIndex = ..., out: _ArrayType = ...) -> _ArrayType:
def makemat(data: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., copy: bool = ...) -> _Matrix[Any, Any]:
def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any:
class RClass(AxisConcatenator):
axis: Literal[0]
matrix: Literal[False]
ndmin: Literal[1]
trans1d: Literal[-1]
def __init__(self) -> None:
r_: RClass
class CClass(AxisConcatenator):
axis: Literal[-1]
matrix: Literal[False]
ndmin: Literal[2]
trans1d: Literal[0]
def __init__(self) -> None:
c_: CClass
class IndexExpression(Generic[_BoolType]):
maketuple: _BoolType
def __init__(self, maketuple: _BoolType) -> None:
def __getitem__(self, item: _TupType) -> _TupType:
def __getitem__(self: IndexExpression[Literal[True]], item: _T) -> tuple[_T]:
def __getitem__(self: IndexExpression[Literal[False]], item: _T) -> _T:
index_exp: IndexExpression[Literal[True]]
s_: IndexExpression[Literal[False]]
def fill_diagonal(a: ndarray[Any, Any], val: Any, wrap: bool = ...) -> None:
def diag_indices(n: int, ndim: int = ...) -> tuple[NDArray[int_], ...]:
def diag_indices_from(arr: ArrayLike) -> tuple[NDArray[int_], ...]: