import subprocess
from .. import repo
from ..paper import NoDocumentFile
from .. import configs
from .. import color
from .helpers import add_references_argument, parse_reference
def parser(subparsers, config):
parser = subparsers.add_parser('open',
help='open the paper in a pdf viewer')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--with', dest='with_command', default=None,
help='command to use to open the document file')
add_references_argument(parser, single=True)
return parser
def command(config, ui, with_command, reference):
rp = repo.Repository.from_directory(config)
key = parse_reference(ui, rp, reference)
paper = rp.get_paper(key)
if with_command is None:
with_command = config.get(configs.MAIN_SECTION, 'open-cmd')
filepath = paper.get_document_path()
subprocess.Popen([with_command, filepath])
ui.print_('{} opened.'.format(color.dye(filepath, color.filepath)))
except NoDocumentFile:
ui.error('No document associated with the entry {}.'.format(
color.dye(key, color.citekey)))
except OSError:
ui.error("Command does not exist: %s." % with_command)