@ -29,14 +29,21 @@ PRINT_OUTPUT = False
class FakeSystemExit ( SystemExit ) :
class FakeSystemExit ( Exception ) :
""" \
SystemExit exceptions are replaced by FakeSystemExit in the execute_cmds ( )
function , so they can be catched by ExpectedFailure tests in Python 2. x .
If a code is expected to raise SystemExit , catch FakeSystemExit instead .
Added explicit __init__ so SystemExit . code functionality could be emulated .
Taking form from https : / / stackoverflow . com / a / 26938914 / 1634191
def __init__ ( self , message , code = None , * args ) :
self . message = message
self . code = code
super ( FakeSystemExit , self ) . __init__ ( message , * args )
# code for fake fs
@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ class CommandTestCase(fake_env.TestFakeFs):
exc_class , exc , tb = sys . exc_info ( )
if sys . version_info . major == 2 :
# using six to avoid a SyntaxError in Python 3.x
six . reraise ( FakeSystemExit , * exc . args , exc_traceback = tb )
six . reraise ( FakeSystemExit , FakeSystemExit ( * exc . args ) , tb )
else :
raise FakeSystemExit ( * exc . args ) . with_traceback ( tb )
@ -189,6 +196,13 @@ class URLContentTestCase(DataCommandTestCase):
class TestAlone ( CommandTestCase ) :
def test_alone_misses_command ( self ) :
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) as cm :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( cm . exception . code , 2 )
@unittest.skipIf ( sys . version_info . major == 2 , " not supported for Python2 " )
def test_alone_prints_help ( self ) :
# capturing the output of `pubs --help` is difficult because argparse
# raises as SystemExit(0) after calling `print_help`, and this gets
@ -196,15 +210,14 @@ class TestAlone(CommandTestCase):
# `pubs --help` isn't too easy unless substantially reorganization of
# the parser and testing context is made. instead, the exit codes of
# the two usecases are compared.
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init ' ] )
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) as cm1 :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs ' ] )
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) as cm2 :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs --help' ] )
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs ' , ' --help' ] )
self . assertEqual ( cm1 . exception . code , cm2 . exception . code , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( cm1 . exception . code , cm2 . exception . code , 2 )
class TestInit ( CommandTestCase ) :