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Color Themes
Here are some color themes for pubs. Copy-paste them in your configuration under the [theme] section (while deleting or commenting the current theme).
Some of those theme require 256 colors. You can see which color correspond
to which code by executing the colors.sh
script in the extra
folder in
your terminal.
Color titles
For light and dark backgrounds. You can modify the title color to suit your taste. Current value is dark red.
# messages
ok = 'green'
warning = '166'
error = 'bred'
# ui elements
filepath = 'bold'
citekey = ''
tag = ''
# bibliographic fields
author = 'bold'
title = '124'
publisher = ''
year = ''
volume = ''
pages = ''
Light grey
For dark backgrounds.
# messages
ok = '240'
warning = '240'
error = 'b240'
# ui elements
filepath = 'bold'
citekey = 'b250'
tag = '240'
# bibliographic fields
author = 'b240'
title = '245'
publisher = 'i240'
year = '252'
volume = '240'
pages = '240'