# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function , unicode_literals
import unittest
import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import six
import ddt
import certifi
import mock
from pyfakefs . fake_filesystem import FakeFileOpen
import dotdot
import fake_env
import mock_requests
from pubs import pubs_cmd , color , content , uis , p3 , endecoder
from pubs . config import conf
import str_fixtures
import fixtures
# makes the tests very noisy
class FakeSystemExit ( Exception ) :
""" \
SystemExit exceptions are replaced by FakeSystemExit in the execute_cmds ( )
function , so they can be catched by ExpectedFailure tests in Python 2. x .
If a code is expected to raise SystemExit , catch FakeSystemExit instead .
Added explicit __init__ so SystemExit . code functionality could be emulated .
Taking form from https : / / stackoverflow . com / a / 26938914 / 1634191
def __init__ ( self , code = None , * args ) :
self . code = code
super ( FakeSystemExit , self ) . __init__ (
" Exited with code: {} . " . format ( self . code ) , * args )
class TestInput ( unittest . TestCase ) :
""" Test that the fake input mechanisms work correctly in the tests """
def test_input ( self ) :
input = fake_env . FakeInput ( [ ' yes ' , ' no ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( input ( ) , ' yes ' )
self . assertEqual ( input ( ) , ' no ' )
with self . assertRaises ( fake_env . FakeInput . UnexpectedInput ) :
input ( )
def test_input2 ( self ) :
other_input = fake_env . FakeInput ( [ ' yes ' , ' no ' ] , module_list = [ color ] )
other_input . as_global ( )
self . assertEqual ( color . input ( ) , ' yes ' )
self . assertEqual ( color . input ( ) , ' no ' )
with self . assertRaises ( fake_env . FakeInput . UnexpectedInput ) :
color . input ( )
def test_editor_input ( self ) :
sample_conf = conf . load_default_conf ( )
ui = uis . InputUI ( sample_conf )
other_input = fake_env . FakeInput ( [ ' yes ' , ' no ' ] ,
module_list = [ uis ] )
other_input . as_global ( )
self . assertEqual ( ui . editor_input ( ' fake_editor ' ) , ' yes ' )
self . assertEqual ( ui . editor_input ( ' fake_editor ' ) , ' no ' )
with self . assertRaises ( fake_env . FakeInput . UnexpectedInput ) :
ui . editor_input ( )
class CommandTestCase ( fake_env . TestFakeFs ) :
""" Abstract TestCase intializing the fake filesystem. """
maxDiff = 1000000
def setUp ( self , nsec_stat = True ) :
super ( CommandTestCase , self ) . setUp ( )
os . stat_float_times ( nsec_stat )
self . default_pubs_dir = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.pubs ' )
self . default_conf_path = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.pubsrc ' )
def execute_cmds ( self , cmds , capture_output = CAPTURE_OUTPUT ) :
""" Execute a list of commands, and capture their output
A command can be a string , or a tuple of size 2 , 3 or 4.
In the latter case , the command is :
1. a string reprensenting the command to execute
2. the user inputs to feed to the command during execution
3. the expected output on stdout , verified with assertEqual .
4. the expected output on stderr , verified with assertEqual .
try :
outs = [ ]
for cmd in cmds :
inputs = [ ]
expected_out , expected_err = None , None
actual_cmd = cmd
if not isinstance ( cmd , p3 . ustr ) :
actual_cmd = cmd [ 0 ]
if len ( cmd ) > = 2 and cmd [ 1 ] is not None : # Inputs provided
inputs = cmd [ 1 ]
if len ( cmd ) > = 3 : # Expected output provided
capture_output = True
if cmd [ 2 ] is not None :
expected_out = color . undye ( cmd [ 2 ] )
if len ( cmd ) > = 4 and cmd [ 3 ] is not None : # Expected error output provided
expected_err = color . undye ( cmd [ 3 ] )
# Always set fake input: test should not ask unexpected user input
input = fake_env . FakeInput ( inputs , [ content , uis , p3 ] )
input . as_global ( )
try :
if capture_output :
actual_out = self . execute_cmdsplit (
actual_cmd . split ( ) , expected_out , expected_err )
outs . append ( color . undye ( actual_out ) )
else :
pubs_cmd . execute ( actual_cmd . split ( ) )
except fake_env . FakeInput . UnexpectedInput :
self . fail ( ' Unexpected input asked by command: {} . ' . format (
actual_cmd ) )
return outs
except SystemExit as exc :
exc_class , exc , tb = sys . exc_info ( )
if sys . version_info . major == 2 :
# using six to avoid a SyntaxError in Python 3.x
six . reraise ( FakeSystemExit , FakeSystemExit ( * exc . args ) , tb )
else :
raise FakeSystemExit ( * exc . args ) . with_traceback ( tb )
def normalize ( s ) :
""" Remove color from a string, adjusting for a decode method needed in Python2 """
s = color . undye ( s )
try :
s = s . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
except AttributeError :
return s
def execute_cmdsplit ( self , actual_cmdlist , expected_out , expected_err ) :
""" Run a single command, which has been split into a list containing cmd and args """
capture_wrap = fake_env . capture ( pubs_cmd . execute ,
verbose = PRINT_OUTPUT )
_ , stdout , stderr = capture_wrap ( actual_cmdlist )
actual_out = self . normalize ( stdout )
actual_err = self . normalize ( stderr )
if expected_out is not None :
self . assertEqual ( p3 . u_maybe ( actual_out ) , p3 . u_maybe ( expected_out ) )
if expected_err is not None :
self . assertEqual ( p3 . u_maybe ( actual_err ) , p3 . u_maybe ( expected_err ) )
return actual_out
def tearDown ( self ) :
class DataCommandTestCase ( CommandTestCase ) :
""" Abstract TestCase intializing the fake filesystem and
copying fake data .
def setUp ( self , nsec_stat = True ) :
super ( DataCommandTestCase , self ) . setUp ( nsec_stat = nsec_stat )
self . fs . add_real_directory ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' data ' ) , read_only = False )
self . fs . add_real_directory ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' bibexamples ' ) , read_only = False )
# add certificate for web querries
self . fs . add_real_file ( certifi . where ( ) , read_only = True )
self . fs . add_real_file ( mock_requests . _data_filepath , read_only = False )
def assertFileContentEqual ( self , path , expected_content ) :
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isfile ( path ) )
self . assertEqual ( content . get_content ( path ) , expected_content )
class URLContentTestCase ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
""" Mocks access to online files by using files in data directory.
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( URLContentTestCase , self ) . setUp ( )
self . _original_get_byte_url_content = content . _get_byte_url_content
self . _original_url_exist = content . url_exists
content . _get_byte_url_content = self . url_to_byte_content
content . url_exists = self . url_exists
def _url_to_path ( self , url ) :
return p3 . urlparse ( url ) . path
def url_exists ( self , url ) :
return self . fs . exists ( self . _url_to_path ( url ) )
def url_to_byte_content ( self , url , ui = None ) :
path = self . _url_to_path ( url )
with FakeFileOpen ( self . fs ) ( ' data ' + path , ' rb ' ) as f :
return f . read ( )
def tearDown ( self ) :
super ( URLContentTestCase , self ) . tearDown ( )
content . _get_byte_url_content = self . _original_get_byte_url_content
content . url_exists = self . _original_url_exist
# Actual tests
class TestAlone ( CommandTestCase ) :
def test_alone_misses_command ( self ) :
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) as cm :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( cm . exception . code , 2 )
def test_alone_prints_help ( self ) :
# capturing the output of `pubs --help` is difficult because argparse
# raises as SystemExit(0) after calling `print_help`, and this gets
# caught so no output is captured. so comparing outputs of `pubs` and
# `pubs --help` isn't too easy unless substantially reorganization of
# the parser and testing context is made. instead, the exit codes of
# the two usecases are compared.
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) as cm1 :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( cm1 . exception . code , 2 )
def test_help_prints_help ( self ) :
# see test_alone_prints_help
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) as cm2 :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init ' , ' pubs --help ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( cm2 . exception . code , 0 )
class TestInit ( CommandTestCase ) :
def test_init ( self ) :
pubsdir = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/pubs_test2 ' )
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init -p {} ' . format ( pubsdir ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( pubsdir ) ) ,
{ ' bib ' , ' doc ' , ' meta ' , ' notes ' , ' .cache ' } )
def test_init2 ( self ) :
pubsdir = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.pubs ' )
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( pubsdir ) ) ,
{ ' bib ' , ' doc ' , ' meta ' , ' notes ' , ' .cache ' } )
def test_init_config ( self ) :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init ' ] )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isfile ( self . default_conf_path ) )
class TestAdd ( URLContentTestCase ) :
def test_add ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
bib_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' bib ' )
meta_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' meta ' )
doc_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( bib_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.bib ' } )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( meta_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.yaml ' } )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( doc_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.pdf ' } )
def test_add_bibutils ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add bibexamples/bibutils.bib ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
bib_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' bib ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( bib_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.bib ' } )
def test_add_other_repository_path ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init -p /not_default ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( ' /not_default/doc ' ) ) , { ' Page99.pdf ' } )
def test_add_citekey ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add -k CustomCitekey data/pagerank.bib ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
bib_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' bib ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( bib_dir ) ) , { ' CustomCitekey.bib ' } )
def test_add_utf8_citekey ( self ) :
correct = [ " " ,
( " added to pubs: \n "
" [hausdorff1949grundzüge] Hausdorff, Felix \" Grundzüge der Mengenlehre \" (1949) \n " ) ,
" The ' hausdorff1949grundzüge ' citekey has been renamed into ' アスキー ' \n " ,
" The ' アスキー ' citekey has been renamed into ' Ḽơᶉëᶆ_ȋṕšᶙṁ ' \n "
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add bibexamples/utf8.bib ' , [ ] , correct [ 1 ] ) ,
( ' pubs rename hausdorff1949grundzüge アスキー ' , [ ] , correct [ 2 ] ) ,
( ' pubs rename アスキー Ḽơᶉëᶆ_ȋṕšᶙṁ ' , [ ] , correct [ 3 ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_add_doc_nocopy_does_not_copy ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib --link -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual (
os . listdir ( os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' ) ) ,
[ ] )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_add_doc_nocopy_from_config_does_not_copy ( self ) :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init ' ] )
config = conf . load_conf ( )
config [ ' main ' ] [ ' doc_add ' ] = ' link '
conf . save_conf ( config )
cmds = [ ' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ]
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual (
os . listdir ( os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' ) ) ,
[ ] )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_add_doc_copy ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib --copy -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual (
os . listdir ( os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' ) ) ,
[ ' Page99.pdf ' ] )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_add_doc_copy_from_config ( self ) :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init ' ] )
config = conf . load_conf ( )
config [ ' main ' ] [ ' doc_add ' ] = ' copy '
conf . save_conf ( config )
cmds = [ ' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ]
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual (
os . listdir ( os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' ) ) ,
[ ' Page99.pdf ' ] )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_add_doc_move ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib --move -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual (
os . listdir ( os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' ) ) ,
[ ' Page99.pdf ' ] )
self . assertFalse ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_add_doc_move_from_config ( self ) :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init ' ] )
config = conf . load_conf ( )
config [ ' main ' ] [ ' doc_add ' ] = ' move '
conf . save_conf ( config )
cmds = [ ' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ]
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual (
os . listdir ( os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' ) ) ,
[ ' Page99.pdf ' ] )
self . assertFalse ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_add_move_removes_doc ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib --move -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertFalse ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_add_twice_fails ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs add -k Page99 data/turing1950.bib ' ,
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_add_urls ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add http://host.xxx/pagerank.bib '
' -d http://host.xxx/pagerank.pdf ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
bib_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' bib ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( bib_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.bib ' } )
meta_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' meta ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( meta_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.yaml ' } )
doc_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' doc ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( doc_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.pdf ' } )
def test_leading_citekey_space ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add bibexamples/leadingspace.bib ' ,
' pubs rename LeadingSpace NoLeadingSpace ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_add_no_citekey_fails ( self ) :
# See #113
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add ' , [ str_fixtures . bibtex_no_citekey , ' n ' ] ) ,
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_add_edit_fails ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add ' ,
[ ' @misc { I am not a correct bibtex {{ } ' , ' n ' ] ) ,
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) as cm :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( cm . exception . code , 1 )
class TestList ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
def test_list ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init -p /not_default2 ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 0 , len ( outs [ 1 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( outs [ 3 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
def test_list_several_no_date ( self ) :
self . execute_cmds ( [ ' pubs init -p testrepo ' ] )
os . chdir ( ' / ' ) # weird fix for shutil.rmtree invocation.
shutil . rmtree ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' testrepo ' ) )
os . chdir ( self . rootpath )
self . fs . add_real_directory ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' testrepo ' ) , read_only = False )
#fake_env.copy_dir(self.fs, testrepo, 'testrepo')
cmds = [ ' pubs list ' ,
' pubs remove -f Page99 ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 4 , len ( outs [ 0 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( 3 , len ( outs [ 2 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( 4 , len ( outs [ 4 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
# Last added should be last
self . assertEqual ( ' [Page99] ' , outs [ 4 ] . splitlines ( ) [ - 1 ] [ : 8 ] )
def test_list_smart_case ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list title:language author:Saunders ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
def test_list_ignore_case ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list --ignore-case title:lAnguAge author:saunders ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
def test_list_force_case ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list --force-case title:Language author:saunders ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 0 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_list_strict_forces_case ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list --ignore-case --strict title:lAnguage ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 0 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_list_strict ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list --strict title: {L} anguage ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 0 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_list_latex_protection ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list title: {L} anguage ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_list_with_citekey_query ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list citekey:Page99 ' ,
' pubs list key:eiNstein_1935 ' ,
' pubs list --ignore-case key:eiNstein_1935 ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( outs [ 2 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( 0 , len ( outs [ 3 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( outs [ 4 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
def test_list_chronological_order ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs remove -f Einstein_1935 ' ,
' pubs remove -f Cesar2013 ' ,
' pubs list --chronological ' ,
' pubs import bibexamples/noyear.bib ' ,
' pubs list -C ' ,
data_chrono_correct = ' [Schrodinger_1935] Schrödinger, E. and Born, M. " Discussion of Probability Relations between Separated Systems " Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (1935) \n ' \
' [turing1950computing] Turing, Alan M " Computing machinery and intelligence " Mind (1950) \n ' \
' [Bell_1964] Bell, J. S. " On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox " Physics Physique физика (1964) \n ' \
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) \n ' \
' [10.1371_journal.pone.0038236] Saunders, Caroline Lyon AND Chrystopher L. Nehaniv AND Joe " Interactive Language Learning by Robots: The Transition from Babbling to Word Forms " PLoS ONE (2012) \n ' \
' [10.1371_journal.pone.0063400] Ay, Georg Martius AND Ralf Der AND Nihat " Information Driven Self-Organization of Complex Robotic Behaviors " PLoS ONE (2013) \n '
correct = [ data_chrono_correct ,
data_chrono_correct + ' [Doe_noyear] Doe, John " About Assigning Timestamps to Research Articles " Journal Example \n '
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( outs [ 4 ] , correct [ 0 ] )
self . assertEqual ( outs [ 6 ] , correct [ 1 ] )
class TestTag ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( TestTag , self ) . setUp ( )
init = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs add -k Turing1950 data/turing1950.bib ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( init )
def test_add_tag ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs tag Page99 search ' ,
' pubs tag Turing1950 ai ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
correct = [ ' ' ,
' ' ,
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) | search \n ' +
' [Turing1950] Turing, Alan M " Computing machinery and intelligence " Mind (1950) | ai \n ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( out , correct )
def test_add_tags ( self ) :
""" Adds several tags at once.
Also checks that tags printed in alphabetic order .
cmds = [ ' pubs tag Page99 search+network ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
correct = [ ' ' ,
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) | network,search \n ' +
' [Turing1950] Turing, Alan M " Computing machinery and intelligence " Mind (1950) \n ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( out , correct )
def test_remove_tag ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs tag Page99 search+network ' ,
' pubs tag Page99 :network ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
correct = [ ' ' ,
' ' ,
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) | search \n ' +
' [Turing1950] Turing, Alan M " Computing machinery and intelligence " Mind (1950) \n ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( out , correct )
def test_add_remove_tag ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs tag Page99 a ' ,
' pubs tag Page99 b-a ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
correct = [ ' ' ,
' ' ,
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) | b \n ' +
' [Turing1950] Turing, Alan M " Computing machinery and intelligence " Mind (1950) \n ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( out , correct )
def test_wrong_citekey ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs tag Page999 a ' ,
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
class TestURL ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( TestURL , self ) . setUp ( )
init = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/turing1950.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/martius.bib ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( init )
@mock.patch ( ' webbrowser.open ' )
def test_url_open_one ( self , wb_open ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs url Page99 ' ,
correct = [ ' info: opening url http://ilpubs.stanford.edu:8090/422/ \n ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( out , correct )
@mock.patch ( ' webbrowser.open ' )
def test_url_open_missing ( self , wb_open ) :
cmds = [ ( ' pubs url turing1950computing ' , None , None , ' warning: turing1950computing has no url \n ' ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
@mock.patch ( ' webbrowser.open ' )
def test_url_open_multiple ( self , wb_open ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs url Page99 10.1371_journal.pone.0063400 ' ,
correct = [ ' info: opening url http://ilpubs.stanford.edu:8090/422/ \n ' +
' info: opening url http://dx.doi.org/10.1371 %2F journal.pone.0063400 \n ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( out , correct )
class TestNote ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( TestNote , self ) . setUp ( )
init = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( init )
self . note_dir = os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir , ' notes ' )
def test_note_edit ( self ) :
cmds = [ ( ' pubs note Page99 ' , [ ' xxx ' ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertFileContentEqual ( os . path . join ( self . note_dir , ' Page99.txt ' ) ,
' xxx ' )
def test_note_edit_extension ( self ) :
config = conf . load_conf ( )
config [ ' main ' ] [ ' note_extension ' ] = ' md '
conf . save_conf ( config )
cmds = [ ( ' pubs note Page99 ' , [ ' xxx ' ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( self . note_dir ) ) , { ' Page99.md ' } )
self . assertFileContentEqual ( os . path . join ( self . note_dir , ' Page99.md ' ) ,
' xxx ' )
def test_rename_with_note ( self ) :
config = conf . load_conf ( )
conf . save_conf ( config )
cmds = [ ( ' pubs note Page99 ' , [ ' xxx ' ] ) ,
' pubs rename Page99 Page1999 ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( self . note_dir ) ) , { ' Page1999.txt ' } )
self . assertFileContentEqual ( os . path . join ( self . note_dir , ' Page1999.txt ' ) ,
' xxx ' )
def test_rename_with_note_extension ( self ) :
config = conf . load_conf ( )
config [ ' main ' ] [ ' note_extension ' ] = ' md '
conf . save_conf ( config )
cmds = [ ( ' pubs note Page99 ' , [ ' xxx ' ] ) ,
' pubs rename Page99 Page1999 ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( set ( os . listdir ( self . note_dir ) ) , { ' Page1999.md ' } )
self . assertFileContentEqual ( os . path . join ( self . note_dir , ' Page1999.md ' ) ,
' xxx ' )
def test_remove_with_note_extension ( self ) :
config = conf . load_conf ( )
config [ ' main ' ] [ ' note_extension ' ] = ' md '
conf . save_conf ( config )
cmds = [ ( ' pubs note Page99 ' , [ ' xxx ' ] ) ,
( ' pubs remove Page99 ' , [ ' y ' ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( os . listdir ( self . note_dir ) , [ ] )
class TestUsecase ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
def test_first ( self ) :
correct = [ ' Initializing pubs in /paper_first \n ' ,
' added to pubs: \n [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) \n '
' data/pagerank.pdf was copied to the pubs repository. \n ' ,
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) [pdf] \n ' ,
' \n ' ,
' ' ,
' network search \n ' ,
' info: Assuming search to be a tag. \n '
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) [pdf] | network,search \n ' ,
cmds = [ ' pubs init -p /paper_first ' ,
' pubs add -d data/pagerank.pdf data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs tag ' ,
' pubs tag Page99 network+search ' ,
' pubs tag Page99 ' ,
' pubs tag search ' ,
self . assertEqual ( correct , self . execute_cmds ( cmds , capture_output = True ) )
def test_second ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init -p paper_second/ ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs add -d data/turing-mind-1950.pdf data/turing1950.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/martius.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/10.1371 %2F journal.pone.0038236.bib ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs doc add data/pagerank.pdf Page99 '
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_third ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs add -d data/turing-mind-1950.pdf data/turing1950.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/martius.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/10.1371 %2F journal.pone.0038236.bib ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs doc add data/pagerank.pdf Page99 ' ,
( ' pubs remove Page99 ' , [ ' y ' ] ) ,
' pubs remove -f turing1950computing ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
docdir = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.pubs/doc/ ' )
self . assertNotIn ( ' turing-mind-1950.pdf ' , os . listdir ( docdir ) )
def test_tag_list ( self ) :
correct = [ ' Initializing pubs in /paper_first \n ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
' search network \n ' ,
cmds = [ ' pubs init -p paper_first/ ' ,
' pubs add -d data/pagerank.pdf data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs tag ' ,
' pubs tag Page99 network+search ' ,
' pubs tag ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def clean ( s ) :
return set ( s . strip ( ) . split ( ' ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( clean ( correct [ 2 ] ) , clean ( out [ 2 ] ) )
self . assertEqual ( clean ( correct [ 4 ] ) , clean ( out [ 4 ] ) )
def test_conf ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs conf ' , [ str_fixtures . sample_conf ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertFileContentEqual ( os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.pubsrc ' ) ,
str_fixtures . sample_conf )
def test_editor_aborts ( self ) :
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
( ' pubs edit Page99 ' , [ ' ' , ' n ' ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_editor_succeeds_on_second_edit ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
( ' pubs edit Page99 ' , [
' @misc { Page99, title= " TTT " author= " X. YY " } ' , ' y ' ,
' @misc { Page99, title= " TTT " , author= " X. YY " } ' , ' ' ] ) ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , ' [Page99] YY, X. " TTT " \n ' )
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_add_aborts ( self ) :
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add New ' , [ ' ' ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_add_succeeds_on_second_edit ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add ' , [
' ' , ' y ' ,
' @misc { New, title= " TTT " , author= " X. YY " } ' , ' ' ] ) ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , ' [New] YY, X. " TTT " \n ' )
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_editor_success ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add ' , [ str_fixtures . bibtex_external0 ] ) ,
( ' pubs remove Page99 ' , [ ' y ' ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_edit ( self ) :
bib = str_fixtures . bibtex_external0
bib1 = re . sub ( r ' year = \ { 1999 \ } ' , ' year = {2007} ' , bib )
bib2 = re . sub ( ' Lawrence Page ' , ' Lawrence Ridge ' , bib1 )
bib3 = re . sub ( ' Page99 ' , ' Ridge07 ' , bib2 )
line = ' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) \n '
line1 = re . sub ( ' 1999 ' , ' 2007 ' , line )
line2 = re . sub ( ' Page, ' , ' Ridge, ' , line1 )
line3 = re . sub ( ' Page99 ' , ' Ridge07 ' , line2 )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , line ) ,
( ' pubs edit Page99 ' , [ bib1 ] ) ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , line1 ) ,
( ' pubs edit Page99 ' , [ bib2 ] ) ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , line2 ) ,
( ' pubs edit Page99 ' , [ bib3 ] ) ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , line3 ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_edit_meta ( self ) :
meta = str_fixtures . turing_meta
line = ' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) \n '
line1 = re . sub ( ' \n ' , ' | AI,computer \n ' , line )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , line ) ,
( ' pubs edit -m Page99 ' , [ meta ] ) ,
( ' pubs list ' , [ ] , line1 ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_export ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add ' , [ str_fixtures . bibtex_external0 ] ) ,
' pubs export Page99 ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( endecoder . EnDecoder ( ) . decode_bibdata ( outs [ 2 ] ) ,
fixtures . page_bibentry )
def test_export_ignore_field ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
( ' pubs add ' , [ str_fixtures . bibtex_external0 ] ) ,
' pubs export --ignore-fields author,title Page99 ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
expected = endecoder . EnDecoder ( ) . encode_bibdata (
fixtures . page_bibentry , ignore_fields = [ ' author ' , ' title ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( outs [ 2 ] , expected + os . linesep )
def test_import ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/ ' ,
' pubs list '
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 9 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_import_one ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/ Page99 ' ,
' pubs list '
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_import_does_not_overwrite ( self ) :
with FakeFileOpen ( self . fs ) ( ' data/real.bib ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( str_fixtures . bibtex_external0 )
with FakeFileOpen ( self . fs ) ( ' data/fake.bib ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( str_fixtures . bibtex_external_alt )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/real.bib Page99 ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
' pubs import data/fake.bib Page99 ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( outs [ - 3 ] , outs [ - 1 ] )
def test_import_overwrites ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/ Page99 ' ,
' pubs import --overwrite data/ Page99 ' ,
' pubs list '
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_import_fails_without_ignore ( self ) :
with FakeFileOpen ( self . fs ) ( ' data/fake.bib ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( str_fixtures . not_bibtex )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/ Page99 ' ,
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_import_ignores ( self ) :
with FakeFileOpen ( self . fs ) ( ' data/fake.bib ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( str_fixtures . not_bibtex )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import --ignore-malformed data/ Page99 ' ,
' pubs list '
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
def test_update ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs update '
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_add_with_tag ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib --tags junk ' ,
' pubs tag junk '
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 2 , len ( outs [ 2 ] . splitlines ( ) ) )
def test_doc_open ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs doc open Page99 '
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
cmds [ - 1 ] == ' pubs doc open Page8 '
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
def test_doc_add ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs doc add data/pagerank.pdf Page99 '
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists (
os . path . join ( self . default_pubs_dir ,
' doc ' ,
' Page99.pdf ' ) ) )
# Also test that do not remove original
self . assertTrue ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_doc_add_with_move ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init -p paper_second/ ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs doc add --move data/pagerank.pdf Page99 '
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertFalse ( os . path . exists ( ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) )
def test_doc_remove ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs doc add data/pagerank.pdf Page99 ' ,
( ' pubs doc remove Page99 ' , [ ' y ' ] ) ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
docdir = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.pubs/doc/ ' )
self . assertNotIn ( ' turing-mind-1950.pdf ' , os . listdir ( docdir ) )
def test_doc_export ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs rename Page99 page100 ' ,
' pubs doc add data/pagerank.pdf page100 ' ,
' pubs doc export page100 / '
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertIn ( ' page100.pdf ' , os . listdir ( ' / ' ) )
def test_alternate_config ( self ) :
alt_conf = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.alt_conf ' )
cmds = [ ' pubs -c ' + alt_conf + ' init ' ,
' pubs --config ' + alt_conf + ' import data/ Page99 ' ,
' pubs list -c ' + alt_conf ,
outs = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
# check if pubs works as expected
self . assertEqual ( 1 + 1 , len ( outs [ - 1 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
# check whether we actually changed the config file
self . assertFalse ( os . path . isfile ( self . default_conf_path ) )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isfile ( alt_conf ) )
with open ( alt_conf , ' r ' ) as fd :
conf_text = fd . read ( )
outs = self . execute_cmds ( [ ( ' pubs conf -c ' + alt_conf , conf_text ) ] )
def test_statistics ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs statistics ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs add -d data/turing-mind-1950.pdf data/turing1950.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/martius.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/10.1371 %2F journal.pone.0038236.bib ' ,
' pubs tag Page99 A+B ' ,
' pubs tag turing1950computing C ' ,
' pubs statistics ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
lines = out [ 1 ] . splitlines ( )
self . assertEqual ( lines [ 0 ] , ' Your pubs repository is empty. ' )
lines = out [ - 1 ] . splitlines ( )
self . assertEqual ( lines [ 0 ] , ' Repository statistics: ' )
self . assertEqual ( lines [ 1 ] , ' Total papers: 4, 1 (25 % ) have a document attached ' )
self . assertEqual ( lines [ 2 ] , ' Total tags: 3, 2 (50 % ) of papers have at least one tag ' )
def test_add_no_extension ( self ) :
""" This tests checks that a paper which document has no extension does
not raise issues when listing . This test might be removed if decided to
prevent such documents . It would then need to be replaced by a check
that this is prevented . """
self . fs . add_real_file ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' data ' , ' pagerank.pdf ' ) ,
target_path = os . path . join ( ' data ' , ' no-ext ' ) )
correct = [ ' Initializing pubs in /pubs \n ' ,
' added to pubs: \n [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) \n '
' data/no-ext was copied to the pubs repository. \n ' ,
' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) [NOEXT] \n ' ,
cmds = [ ' pubs init -p /pubs ' ,
' pubs add -d data/no-ext data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
self . assertEqual ( correct , self . execute_cmds ( cmds , capture_output = True ) )
@mock.patch ( ' pubs.apis.requests.get ' , side_effect = mock_requests . mock_requests_get )
def test_readme ( self , reqget ) :
""" Test that the readme example work. """
self . fs . add_real_file ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) , target_path = ' data/Loeb_2012.pdf ' )
self . fs . add_real_file ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) , target_path = ' data/oyama2000the.pdf ' )
self . fs . add_real_file ( os . path . join ( self . rootpath , ' data/pagerank.pdf ' ) , target_path = ' data/Knuth1995.pdf ' )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs import data/collection.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib -d data/pagerank.pdf ' ,
#'pubs add -D 10.1007/s00422-012-0514-6 -d data/pagerank.pdf',
' pubs add -I 978-0822324669 -d data/oyama2000the.pdf ' ,
' pubs add -X math/9501234 -d data/Knuth1995.pdf ' ,
' pubs add -D 10.1007/s00422-012-0514-6 ' ,
' pubs doc add data/Loeb_2012.pdf Loeb_2012 ' ,
self . execute_cmds ( cmds , capture_output = True )
# self.assertEqual(correct, self.execute_cmds(cmds, capture_output=True))
class TestCache ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
""" \
Run tests on fake filesystems supporting both integers and nanosecond
stat times .
def setUp ( self ) :
@ddt.data ( True , False )
def test_remove ( self , nsec_stat ) :
DataCommandTestCase . setUp ( self , nsec_stat = nsec_stat )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
( ' pubs remove Page99 ' , [ ' y ' ] ) ,
' pubs list ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( out [ 3 ] . split ( ' \n ' ) ) )
@ddt.data ( True , False )
def test_edit ( self , nsec_stat ) :
DataCommandTestCase . setUp ( self , nsec_stat = nsec_stat )
bib = str_fixtures . bibtex_external0
bib1 = re . sub ( r ' year = \ { 1999 \ } ' , ' year = {2007} ' , bib )
line = ' [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. " The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. " (1999) \n '
line1 = re . sub ( ' 1999 ' , ' 2007 ' , line )
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs list ' ,
( ' pubs edit Page99 ' , [ bib1 ] ) ,
' pubs list ' ,
out = self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( line , out [ 2 ] )
self . assertEqual ( line1 , out [ 4 ] )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
unittest . main ( verbosity = 2 )